Activity 1: Create an two ubuntu linux VM's Create an two ubuntu linux vm's and install Ngnix software Below are the steps to create ubuntu machine While creating VM open 22, 80 ports Open Ports 22 and 80 for both the machines Once Virtual machines are created, connect server using ssh for the both the machines and install nginx software. Now change to root user by using "sudo su" command as below Now run command as "apt update" Now install nginx software by using below command apt install nginx -y To verify, webserer is installed or not, browse using server Public IP in the browser Create load balancer During the creation of the load balancer, you'll configure: Frontend IP address Backend pool Inbound load-balancing rules Health probe In the search box at the top of the portal, enter Load balancer . Select Load balancers in the search results. In the Load balancer page, select + Create . Setting...